The Article
The article Computer Science Education, Looking Back and Looking Ahead by Christopher Stephenson looks at the current state of computer science and seeks to relate it to the imagination that marked computer science of the past and the prospects for its future in schools. His purpose is to impress upon the reader the necessity for computer science courses in schools, courses that should provide both teachers and students viable tools and resources to maintain progress in the field. He achieves this purpose by remaining passionate about the subject, but also showing that he understands what the reality in education allows for Computer Science teachers nowadays.
Stephenson begins the article by explaining that Computer Science is really a field that has built on math and science knowledge from ages past, including the ancient Romans and Egyptians. Over time, new ideas and innovations have slowly led to the development of Computer Science as we know it now. In doing this he seeks to dispel myths of the filed as boring, as a filed in which a person only interacts with a machine. He defends the field, saying that computer science is more than that. If taught properly in schools, it has the potential to engage students and help develop a new workforce interested in computer science jobs. It has the potential of having students find an interest in connecting what they learn to the modern world, and applying their knowledge and creating new solutions for the future.
In connecting the field to how Computer science is taught in schools, Stephenson writes that schools need to update themselves and adapt to this new focus of study. He surveys the needs of schools and teachers, from choosing the appropriate programming language appropriate for teaching, to the need of actual curriculum for teachers to teach. One of the aspects I enjoyed the most from this article was the comprehensiveness with which Stephensons thought about teaching Computer Science in schools. On resources, he explains hown necessary it is for schools to be up to date. He emphasizes that in a lot of schools, the curriculum for AP Computer Science is the only one that exists if any exists at all, and pushes for schools and states to develop their own curriculum. He also stresses the professional development of teachers in the field, and how schools should support constant updating and training for these teaches. Stepheneson also addresses the issue of gender inequity in the field, writing that we must change the way Computer Science favors males (and how we discriminate against women) by developing teaching techniques that appeal to all students and encourage engagement from both the masculine and femenine. Stephenson finally ends the article by outlining the steps we need to move forward with Computer Science.
My Response & NETS
I have never taken a Computer Science course, and have limited experience with programming or learning how technology really works. While reading this article, I understood more about Computer Science as a whole. I have to admit, I am one of the people that Stephenson described when he said that people often think of Computer Science as a lonely field that has to do with machines only. Stephenson cleared this up, however, and really explained how the field has evolved over time. One of the points I enjoyed most learning about was the role of women in the field, as for example, it was The Countess of Lovelace who developed what was to become the first computer program in 1800. When he continued the article and touched on the gender inequity, I felt that he addressed one of the biggest issues that plague the Math and Science fields. If schools taught about the history of computer science in entry level courses, especially ones in middle school & high school, then maybe a more genuine interest will sprout. If broken down into understandable units and really explained with patience and the appropriate materials, then Computer Science will become the necessary staple that Stephenson hopes for in schools. Furthermore, as a future teacher, I identify with what he cites as a necessity in schools--well-informed teachers and up to date technologies in classrooms. Technology will continue to change and evolve, so as educators we will need to stay on top of the latest and greatest in order to best aid our students.
The article best addresses NETS standards #6-Technology Operations and Concepts and #1-Creativity and Innovation. NETS standard 6 is met through the understanding of Computer Science that the field requires of students. In particular, section d ("transfer current knowledge to learning and new technologies") will constantly be met, as students who learn about Computer Science will have to constantly update their knowledge. Standard #1 will be met through the activities that Computer Science emerges. For example, after learning how to use a programming language, students will be able to manipulate the information they know to create new projects that showcase their innovation and creativity. Also, NETS #4- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making can be met through students troubleshooting any technical issues that may come up while learning any new concept in a Computer Science course.
Stephenson, C. (2002, October). Computer science education looking back and looking ahead. Learning and Leading with Technology, 6-9, 44-45. ISTE: Eugene, OR.
ReplyDeleteOur recent experiences with Scrath, along with your and Diana's posts, have made me realize what a huge value computer science is to our society. I agree with what you said about feeling like computer science meant working alone with just a machine. It seemed so dismal and boring. However, I now have a clear picture of how important and expansive computer science is as more than just a means to learn programming, but also as a foundation for how we may approach any problem. As I believe I mentioned in my post last week regarding Scratch used in an after school program, it is really ironic that more emphasis isn't placed on teaching computer science to students at a younger age, since the industry is obviously the wave of the future.
That being said, it seems a matter of finding qualified teachers in the computer science field if we hope to expand the study of CS to more students. So the challenge is how we will attract those that are highly qualified into the teaching profession.
-Tracy T.