Sunday, March 6, 2011

Filming Compassion

Bremer, J., Clark, M. (2005, April). Filming compassion. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39-41. ISTE: Eugene, OR.

The Article
    The main purpose for authors Bremer and Clark writing Filming Compassion is to explain how educators can use technology courses as a way to allows students to give back to their community. Bremer and Clark describe the process of how a video production course addressed a school's service learning requirement by creating a project that would help both students and nonprofit organizations in the community. They partnered up their students and assigned each group a nonprofit to work with and create a video for, be it a promotional video for the nonprofit to use in advertising their group or an instructional one for the organizations to use for training purposes.

     The article was organized in a way that explained each step of the project and was written so that it is successful in its purpose. It begins with an introduction, and continues into a detailed recounting of the process. It even includes the rubric with which each group's video was graded on. At the end, it explained what some of the difficulties faced were, both technological in terms of video equipment and personal, such as the issues faced when working with an outside organization. One the points that struck me the most about the article is how honest the tone was, and how it sought to prove how beneficial a project like that is for students. The students not only learned about video technology, but were also able to help out organizations that greatly benefited from their efforts. Not only did that teach them how to work in a real-life kind of situation, in which one has deadlines and clients to meet with, but it also encouraged them to see how the things they learn in class can be used in the community. They felt proud of their accomplishment, while their teachers were able to see them succeed in both video technology and service learning. 

My Response & NETS
     I feel that this article connects technology, which we usually see as something impersonal, to something that is extremely necessary, teaching students the importance of service. The concept itself is one that I think is effective in engaging students. Because they are working with real nonprofit companies, they know they must do their best and work hard in order to produce work they are proud to show. The fact that each group is paired up with a different nonprofit organization also keeps the project interesting, as students will feel how unique their contribution is and will find a network of support in their teachers and classmates, as the article explained. 

     This article was written in 2005, bu technology has changed very much in the six years that have passed. Video technology has become much more accessible, as well as more simple to work with in terms of basic editing. VCR's and videocassettes are no longer necessary, as the majority of camcorders are digital nowadays and are small in size (for easy transportation). Similarly, the internet has advanced the way we can view and share our work. Sharing their work with the organizations they are working for will not be a hassle, as video sharing sites as well as e-mailing are viable ways for students to keep their clients updated constantly. As for actual editing of their videos, computers come pre-installed with programs like Windows Movie Maker or iMovie, which represent no cost to school districts and help student perform basic editing jobs. In other words, projects like these are much more accessible than ever, and it supports the idea of students helping out their community. 

     I feel that this project can address all NETS for students, but in particular encourage NETS 1-Creativity and Innovation because of the creative side that the project encourages from students in terms of concepts and in execution. Taking into consideration how technology has progressed, the project also addresses NETS 2- Communication and Collaboration if students use technology to communicate with their classmates, teachers, and clients. Be it chatting online, e-mailing, or video chatting, communication and collaboration would be a big component of the project if completed in the present day. NETS 6-   Technology Operations and Concepts are also addressed in the technological side of video production and in working with editing software. 

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